Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm so excited I could hardly sleep last night. Today I start the prenatal Kundalini yoga teacher's training at Golden Bridge with Gurmukh. I went to Gurmukh's class when I was pregnant and her book, Beautiful, Bountiful, Blissful is one of the books that was my inspiration for this book. The training is only offered once a year in Los Angeles and once a year in New York. Also, my midwife is going to be there doing some of the childbirth ed part of the training. I can't wait to see her. It's going to be an intense week, about 60+ hours crammed in 7 days. So I'll probably have some guest posts this week and post a few birth stories.

Gurmukh posts a beautiful weekly message on the Golden Bridge website. This week it is about courage and living from the heart. She also includes a meditation. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I love this woman!! I used her prenatal yoga tapes with both my pregnancies and it did untold good for my spirit and body.

    Good luck with the class!



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